
Enhance your Avatar's attributes and gaming experience with Equipment.

Show3 has designed a range of equipment to enrich the gamification system, enabling users to utilize circulating NFTs to create a unique digital Avatar experience. This feature offers practical social utility for NFTs that other platforms lack, truly bringing the concept of Utilized NFT to life.

Obtaining Equipment NFTs

Users can purchase Equipment NFTs from Show3's NFT market or mint their own once they reach a specific user level.

Equipment Attributes

Different series of Equipment NFTs in Show3 provide fixed attribute bonuses that can be added to your Avatar's Attributes, empowering your Avatar.

  • Stamina

Enhance Stamina by equipping a Background NFT.

  • Luck

Improve Luck by equipping a Treasure NFT.

  • Attack

Boost Attack by equipping a Pet NFT.

  • Charisma

Boost Attack by equipping a Pet NFT.

Benefits of Using Equipment NFTs

In Show3, benefits of using Equipment NFTs are divided into fixed and optional bonuses.

  • Fixed Bonus

Each type of Equipment NFT in Show3 provides a specific attribute bonus. For instance, all Background NFTs grant a Stamina bonus.

  • Optional Bonus

Besides the fixed bonus, Show3 allows users to choose an additional bonus for a certain attribute when minting Equipment NFTs. The bonus value is randomly selected from a range by the system. A higher user's Luck value increases the chances of the system generating a higher value.
