Vitality Point (VP)

To ensure the sustainable development of the Show3 platform and prevent cheating, a Vitality Point System has been designed.

The smallest unit of Vitality Points is 1, with an initial value of 100. In principle, users will earn at least 1 EXP for every 1 VP (Vitality Point) consumed.

VPs exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Consumable

VPs can be consumed.

Every time EXPs are earned, VPs will be reduced based on the specific circumstances. More details can be found in the Experience Point (EXP) section.

  • Recoverable

VPs can be actively or passively recovered.

Active: Users can recover VPs by consuming ME.

Passive: VPs will automatically recover by 1/4 every 6 hours.

  • Flexible

The VP upper limit will increase in tandem with the user's Stamina growth.

For every 1 point increase in Stamina, the VP upper limit will rise by 10.
