Project Introduction

Show3 is the World's First Pioneering NFT-Based Decentralized Social Platform for the Web3 Era

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Web3, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are becoming increasingly ubiquitous as a means of representing digital rights and assets. As NFTs play a crucial role in social interactions, including identity validation, asset exchange, and rights execution, there is a growing need for a platform that facilitates the discovery, discussion, use, and trade of NFTs.

On Show3, every aspect of a user's digital identity and assets, including profile pictures, avatars, background images, digital pets, and emojis, are represented as NFTs that can be traded. Additionally, Show3's Social & Mint feature allows users to accumulate EXPs and mint their own NFTs, turning their online posts, pictures, and videos into valuable digital assets.

Show3 provides a wealth of NFT-centric services, including NFT discovery, discussion forums, use cases, and transactions, making it the go-to platform for all NFT enthusiasts. Furthermore, the platform's unique Social & Mint feature allows users to accumulate EXPs and mint their own NFTs, turning their online posts, pictures, and videos into valuable digital assets.

In keeping with the principles of Web3, Show3 is built on UTXO blockchain technology and the permissionless MetaID protocol, ensuring that all data and digital assets generated on the platform belong solely to the users.

Our mission at Show3 is to harness the power of blockchain technology and NFTs to create a decentralized social platform that puts users in control of their digital assets and identity.

Join us as we lead the way into the Web3 era, and become a part of the Social & Mint revolution.
