Web3 Interaction

In contrast to Web2 interactions, Web3 allows users to not only connect with others but also to earn and spend during the entire process, providing a novel experience.


A Like expresses approval of content.

A Like generates a fee, which includes a Gas Fee and a small Like Fee. The Like Fee is sent to the content creator.


A Tip demonstrates strong appreciation for the content.

The Tip amount is user-determined. A Tip generates a fee, comprising a Gas Fee and the remaining Tip, which is sent to the content creator.


The Forward feature enables users to share content.

Users can forward content directly or with a comment, helping the original content reach a wider audience or providing a platform for sharing opinions in context.

A Forward generates a fee, consisting of a Gas Fee and a small Forward Fee. The Forward Fee is sent to the content creator.


The Forward feature enables users to share content.

Users can forward content directly or with a comment, helping the original content reach a wider audience or providing a platform for sharing opinions in context.

A Forward generates a fee, consisting of a Gas Fee and a small Forward Fee. The Forward Fee is sent to the content creator.

For more information on the fee structure, please refer to the appropriate documentation.
