Full data on-chain and GAS fee

Show3 temporarily stores on-chain data on the public chain MVC, with plans to support additional public chains like AR and IPFS in the future. Gas fees for data on-chain can be paid using a variety of methods:

  1. Recharge ME or exchange EXPs for ME to cover gas fees.

  2. Pay using SPACE (MVC Token).

  3. If storing data on other blockchains, users must have the corresponding tokens in their wallets to cover gas fees.

We recommend earning ME through daily social activities to cover gas fees. Additionally, we will provide a certain amount of ME to new users, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of data on-chain without incurring fees for an extended period.

For NFT transactions, if the NFT is on MVC, users can continue to pay with ME. If the NFT is on other public chains, such as ETH, users must pay the gas fees to miners on those respective blockchains.
